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My husband and I got Mowgli when we were living in Denver, Colorado. Ever since I was a little girl, I always wanted to own a Bernese Dog. Ever since I can remember they have been my favorite type of dog.


Mowgli was our first baby - we took him everywhere with us. I would even bring him into the grocery store with me when he was a puppy. Everyone loved him and would always stop us on our walks asking to pet him or to comment on his very large paws as a puppy. We took him on many camping/hiking trips around the state of Colorado. Mowgli has always known how to comfort us, be present when needed and give us his big ole Mowgli grin to brighten our days.

We moved to Texas a few years ago to be close to family and even though the temperature in the summers don’t exactly align with Mowgli’s love of the outdoors, Mowgli has done great. Thankfully, we still get to the mountains every summer so that Mowgli can play his heart out in the hills. He is always the talk of the neighborhood and kids down the block come by just to say hi to Mowgli. He is so loved.

The first thing our 2 year old son says when he wakes up in the morning is “Mowgli” and runs right to him to give him a morning kiss and hug. We are having another baby this November and are now so hopeful that Mowgli can meet the new addition to our family with the help of DogsLife.


​​We found out about Mowgli’s cancer almost a month ago now and it was incredibly sudden and horrible, horrible news. We were totally shocked by his diagnosis.

We are so beyond grateful to DogsLife for this grant and giving Mowgli the fighting chance against the cancer. Thank you so so much - you have given our family the biggest gift with your generosity. We love our Mowgli!

- Sawyer and Phillip (August 2024)

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